[NEWS] Next Metroid Prime “Would Most Likely Be on NX”

Metroid Prime producer Kensuke Tanabe has finally spoken up about the next entry in the Metroid Prime series.  He said that due to the amount of content that the game will have, it will take multiple years to develop, therefore it probably won’t be released until Nintendo has already shipped the NX.  He’d rather take his time with development rather than rush it out to Wii U now.  Are you guys ready for the next entry in Metroid Prime?  Or would you rather have the series go back to its roots and have Nintendo release another 2D sidescroller?  Let us know in the comments below!

“If we started for Wii U now, it would likely take three years or so. So it would likely now be on Nintendo’s NX console,” he said.

“It’s a long time but it would need to include a lot of content, which would take a lot of work on the development side.”


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